UPDATE: This Scheme closed on 30 November 2022

What if I still need help?

You should first contact your electricity and/or gas supplier. All major suppliers are required to make provisions to assist customers who are facing financial difficulties.

Support of a more practical nature is available from HEET, an organisation that specialises in providing help and support to people facing difficulties with fuel costs.

Where can I find out more information?

More information about the £150 Council Tax rebate, as well as other ways the government is helping with rising energy costs, is available on the GOV.UK website.

Stay safe from scams

If you receive a text message or an email about your Council Tax (or any council service) but you are not sure it is genuine, please call 020 8496 3000. Council staff will be happy to advise you.

The Government has published an advice page about how to identify Council Tax and business rates scams and how you can avoid falling victim to them. Please share this information with friends, family, and neighbours to help keep them safe.